Tag: William Hartnell

Doctor Who: The Bounty of Ceres

Doctor Who: The Bounty of Ceres

by Ian Potter (Big Finish, 2014)

Potter_Bounty Ceres

Potter captures the feel and pace of a First Doctor adventure but affords companions Steven and Vicki some much-needed depth, elevating them from plot-driven stand-ins to genuine characters. Peter Purves is excellent as Steven (and channels William Hartnell also in well-pitched homage).



Dr. First

Dr. First

by Adam Hargreaves (Puffin, 2017)

Hargreaves_Dr First

Doctor Who purists may not approve of this playful rewriting of the programme’s origin story. There’s no denying, however, that the characters are beautifully drawn – from Susan, to William Hartnell’s cantankerous purple and grey Doctor, to the jiving, sports mascot, continuity-defying Cybermen!



Derelict Space Sheep