Tag: Stephen Cole

Doctor Who: The Wormery

Doctor Who: The Wormery

by Paul Magrs & Stephen Cole (Big Finish, 2003)


The experimental storytelling doesn’t always pay dividends, but at least the writers aren’t stuck on the bog-standard. Colin Baker holds himself in fine fettle (and is afforded an uncommon depth of character). Former Pertwee-era companion Katy Manning runs rampant as Iris Wildthyme.



The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Glittering Storm

The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Glittering Storm

by Stephen Cole (BBC, 2007); audiobook read by Elisabeth Sladen

Cole_Glittering Storm

Elisabeth Sladen doesn’t so much read as act, her performance as Sarah Jane elevating this otherwise somewhat middling story of alien imperilment. Whatever the gold is being used for this time, however squidgy and one-dimensional the adversary, Sladen remains the consummate companion-turned-lead.



Doctor Who: The Ring of Steel

Doctor Who: The Ring of Steel

by Stephen Cole (BBC Audio, 2010)

Cole_Ring of Steel

#DoctorWho meets War of the Worlds (or the Tripods; take your pick) in an adventure that does little to exonerate the programme from claims it repeatedly sledgehammers the law of conservation of energy (while outdoing Wells for off-handedness in thwarting alien invasions).


Derelict Space Sheep