Tag: Nev Fountain

Doctor Who: Conflict Theory

Doctor Who: Conflict Theory

by Nev Fountain; dir. Scott Handcock (Big Finish, 2020)

Box set cover: "The Sixth Doctor and Peri, Volume One"; review of "“Doctor Who: Conflict Theory” by Nev Fountain; dir. Scott Handcock (BBC, 2020)

A fun, frivolous story that, beneath clever execution, explores the more serious question of the Doctor’s culpability in exposing his companions to danger. Fountain’s script is spot-on. Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant revel in a character dynamic rarely done justice on television.

Doctor Who: The Doomsday Contract

Doctor Who: The Doomsday Contract

by John Lloyd; adapted by Nev Fountain (Big Finish, 2021)

Release cover: Doctor Who - The Doomsday Contract by John Lloyd; adapted by Nev Fountain

Originally commissioned during Douglas Adams’ tenure as script editor, The Doomsday Contract exhibits a Hitchhiker’s tonality but without quite the same zest. Tom Baker gives it some welly but the denunciation of bureaucracy via reductio ad absurdum seems a bit old hat.

Missy: The Broken Clock

Missy: The Broken Clock

by Nev Fountain (Big Finish, 2019)

Missy_Broken Clock

Nev Fountain certainly isn’t afraid to try something different. Here we’re given a faux- cheesy American reconstruction of an impossible historical murder spree laced with metatextual fourth-wall breakings (themselves explained in-story). Though it’s clever and fun, fake fakeness still sounds risibly fake.



Derelict Space Sheep