Tag: Natalie Portman



dir. Alex Garland (2018)

Film poster: “Annihilation” dir. Alex Garland (2018)

Like Stalker (1979) but more purposeful. Annihilation’s earthbound SF premise is both creepy and visually arresting, though of course the plot paints itself into a corner (and why not take the coastal route initially?). The all-female main cast easily carries the action/drama.



dir. Luc Besson (1994)

Film poster: Leon, dir. Luc Besson (1994)

A moving friendship tale that stops just short of Lolita-ism and owes its impact more to the acting talents of Jean Reno, Natalie Portman (on debut) and Gary Oldman than to writer-director Luc Besson’s attempts to bring French sensibilities to American film-making.

Derelict Space Sheep