Tag: Matt Fitton

Doctor Who: Stage Fright

Doctor Who: The Last Adventure, Part 3: Stage Fright

by Matt Fitton (Big Finish, 2015)

Audio drama cover: “Doctor Who: The Last Adventure, Part 3: Stage Fright” by Matt Fitton (Big Finish, 2015)

Fitton brings some intrigue to the Last Adventure. At the end of the day, however, the Valeyard’s evil scheme doesn’t make much sense. The Sixth Doctor’s modus operandi is once again to march up to the threat and demand its immediate cessation.

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

(Big Finish, 2019)

Rose Tyler Dimension Cannon

Rose’s quest across the multiverse begins with two wonderfully melancholic stories before losing its way trying to force the intrinsic emotion of the doomsday scenario (particularly when relying on minor characters resurrected from Russell T Davies’ Rose novelisation). Nevertheless a welcome return.


★★★★☆ The Endless Night by Jonathan Morris

★★★★☆ The Flood by Lisa McMullin

★★★☆☆ Ghost Machines by AK Benedict

★★☆☆☆ The Last Party on Earth by Matt Fitton



Stolen Goods

Jenny: The Doctor’s Daughter – Stolen Goods

by Matt Fitton (Big Finish, 2018)

Fitton_Stolen Goods

A light, slightly pantomimish story that (thankfully) entails a measure of misdirection. All told, a decent introduction to the Doctor’s daughter in audio form (although it’s hard not to do Big Finish an injustice and retrofit Georgia Tennant as channelling Jodie Whittaker).



Doctor Who, Doom Coalition 2: The Sonomancer

Doctor Who, Doom Coalition 2: The Sonomancer

by Matt Fitton (Big Finish, 2016)


Fitton manages some strong characterisation — Liv Chenka takes charge; Helen Sinclair bonds with River Song — but although Alex Kingston is quite the drawcard, the lack of interaction between her and Paul McGann is disappointing, as is the plot degeneration into runaround dénouement.



Derelict Space Sheep