Tag: J. Jefferson Farjeon

The Z Murders

The Z Murders

by J. Jefferson Farjeon (Collins Crime Club, 1932)

audiobook read by Tim Bentinck (Soundings, 2020)

Book cover: “The Z Murders” by J. Jefferson Farjeon (Collins Crime Club, 1932); audiobook read by Tim Bentinck (Soundings, 2020)

A bit of a hot mess. Detective Inspector James does very little while tally-ho protagonist Richard Temperley goes all in on blind-faith instalove, his romantic interest acting inexplicably until the sinister, shadowy villains get together at the end for an expository powwow.

Seven Dead

Seven Dead

by J. Jefferson Farjeon (Collins, 1939)

audiobook read by David Thorpe (Soundings, 2020)

Book cover: “Seven Dead” by J. Jefferson Farjeon (Collins, 1939); audiobook read by David Thorpe (Soundings, 2020)

A Golden Age mystery with vim. The scenario is striking but the biggest drawcard is Detective Inspector Kendall (straight-talking, sarcastic, almost manically bonhomous), who even when absent for a long stretch mid-book is ably deputised by a good-natured and loquacious civilian offsider.

Thirteen Guests

Thirteen Guests

by J. Jefferson Farjeon (Collins, 1936)

audiobook read by David Thorpe (Soundings, 2020)

Book cover: “Thirteen Guests” by J. Jefferson Farjeon (Collins, 1936); audiobook read by David Thorpe (Soundings, 2020)

A relatively simple murder mystery obfuscated through excessive characterisation of players who are dropped without a second thought. Short and accessible but holds back its detective (the energetic, straight-shooting Inspector Kendall) until the race is more than half run. Perfunctory twist ending.

Derelict Space Sheep