Tag: J J Abrams

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

dir. J. J. Abrams (2019)

Abrams_Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars was trailblazing in its use of special effects. Fittingly, this final instalment in the trilogy of trilogies sees a return to visual pioneering, its currency begetting not mindless action scenes but rather moody end-of-days backdrops and crackling, red-sulphurous Sith imagery.



Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

dir. J J Abrams (2015)

Abrams_The Force Awakens

Visually spectacular without being gratuitously effects-driven; introducing new characters played by relative unknowns; stirringly scored; epic but with humour: Star Wars Episode VII is a true spiritual sequel to Episode IV (although not as self-contained and perhaps rehashing too many plot elements).


Derelict Space Sheep