Tag: Fortean

Sinister Barrier

Sinister Barrier

by Eric Frank Russell (The World’s Work, 1943)

Russell_Sinister Barrier

Russell’s first novel evinces nothing of his later puckishness. Instead it is a hardboiled SF invasion yarn that reads well under its own steam but less so when the characters act as mouthpieces for Russell’s Fortean beliefs, which informed the chilling concept.



With a Strange Device

With a Strange Device

by Eric Frank Russell (Dobson, 1964)

Russell_With a Strange Device

Where Russell was renowned for humorous SF, this novel seems more in keeping with Cold War espionage stories (or within Russell’s spectrum, his early Fortean noir outings Sinister Barrier and Dreadful Sanctuary), and maintains its intrigue even upon second or third reading.



Derelict Space Sheep