Tag: Firefly



dir. Joss Whedon (2005)

Film poster: “Serenity” dir. Joss Whedon (2005)

A semi-decent attempt at a self-contained big-screen continuation of the cancelled TV series Firefly, lacking most of its humour (and dancing on the edge of a limited budget) but featuring the same cast and offering a modicum of closure for its fans.



by Joss Whedon (2002)


A SF programme with so much potential, cut down midway through its first season. Joss Whedon was hot property at the time, but even his track record couldn’t convince Fox to put faith in this perfectly cast and cleverly scripted space western.



Serenity: Those Left Behind

Serenity: Those Left Behind

by Joss Whedon & Brett Matthews; art by Will Conrad (Dark Horse, 2006)

Serenity_Those Left Behind

After its senseless and premature demise, cult classic TV series Firefly saw life again as the feature film Serenity, and as a series of graphic novels. This slim volume has a storyline and visuals wistfully reminiscent of the dearly departed dystopian free-for-all.



Killjoys, Season 1

Killjoys, Season 1

created by Michelle Lovretta (2015)

Killjoys 1

Firefly meets Banshee in this nicely balanced SF action adventure series (with touches of humour). The dynamic between the three bounty hunters affords plenty of scope for developing storylines, as does the socio-political complexity of the dystopian future in which they operate.



Derelict Space Sheep