Tag: Egypt

The Mummy Case

The Mummy Case

by Elizabeth Peters (Congdon & Weed, 1985); audiobook read by Susan O’Malley (Blackstone, 1999)

Peters_Mummy Case

Although the mystery is not investigated in any meaningful way, Peters’ knowledge of Egyptology adds depth and her narrative is quietly amusing. Susan O’Malley’s audiobook reading bears suitable record of Amelia Peabody, Emerson, and the precocious wunderkind Ramses, preserving their dignified foolery.



Doctor Who: The Water Thief

Doctor Who: The Water Thief

by Jacqueline Rayner (BBC, 2012)

Rayner_Doctor Who Water Thief

Like many Eleventh Doctor authors, Rayner enjoys capturing the superficial interactions between the Doctor, Amy and Rory, yet never manages to portray a convincing threat. The monster of the day is little more than an arbitrarily functioning excuse to explore Ancient Egypt.



Derelict Space Sheep