Tag: Douglas Adams

Last Chance to See: in the Footsteps of Douglas Adams

Last Chance to See: in the Footsteps of Douglas Adams

by Mark Carwardine (HarperCollins, 2009)

Carwardine_Last Chance to See

This richly poignant, fabulously Adamsey rare species travelogue rather belies the assumption that Carwardine was a literary passenger on the original Last Chance to See, merely there to undercoat the book with dry facts prior to Adams layering on the funny bits.


Doctor Who: City of Death (2015)

Doctor Who: City of Death

by Douglas Adams & James Goss (BBC Books, 2015)

Goss_City of Death

Like Douglas Adams’ script before it, this posthumous collaboration appears to have been written somewhat hastily; while it does capture (and at times build upon) the splendour of the 1979 serial, this isn’t quite the much-pined-for novelisation that Gareth Roberts’ Shada was.

The Frood

The Frood: The Authorised and Very Official History of Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

by Jem Roberts (Preface Publishing, 2014)

Roberts_The Frood

The Frood begins with Douglas Adams testing a Nutrimatic-compatible interviewing robot on himself, thereby proselytising the superfluity of book introductions. It ends by pulling the ring-tab on several canned iterations of Life, the Universe and Everything. The bits in-between are mostly harmless.

Derelict Space Sheep