Tag: Dollhouse

Dollhouse: Epitaphs

Dollhouse: Epitaphs

by Andrew Chambliss et al. (Dark Horse, 2012) [compiling Dollhouse #1-5]


In style, script and content, ‘Epitaphs’ is a perfectly adequate post-apocalyptic adventure, yet like its television namesake ‘Epitaph One’ (the unaired offspring of Dollhouse season one), it deals largely in new characters and bears almost no tonal resemblance to the parent programme.



Dollhouse, Series 2

Dollhouse, Series 2

created by Joss Whedon (2009-2010)

Dollhouse 2

Dollhouse series two carries itself like a show that’s seen cancellation in its future, hastening with dour determination towards a dystopia now seemingly inevitable (although thankfully Enver Gjokaj has his show-stealing acting moments). Much of the original appeal falls by the wayside.


Dollhouse, Season 1

Dollhouse, Season 1

created by Joss Whedon (Fox, 2009)

Whedon_Dollhouse 1

Though tiptoeing around the morality of its premise — people sign up for five-year stints as ‘dolls’, imprinted with skills and personalities to suit their clients’ needs — Dollhouse showcased the acting range of Eliza Dushku and company while allowing for boundless plot versatility.


Derelict Space Sheep