Tag: Doctor Who

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

(Big Finish, 2019)

Rose Tyler Dimension Cannon

Rose’s quest across the multiverse begins with two wonderfully melancholic stories before losing its way trying to force the intrinsic emotion of the doomsday scenario (particularly when relying on minor characters resurrected from Russell T Davies’ Rose novelisation). Nevertheless a welcome return.


★★★★☆ The Endless Night by Jonathan Morris

★★★★☆ The Flood by Lisa McMullin

★★★☆☆ Ghost Machines by AK Benedict

★★☆☆☆ The Last Party on Earth by Matt Fitton



Doctor Who: The Home Guard

Doctor Who: The Home Guard

by Simon Guerrier (Big Finish, 2019)

Guerrier_Home Guard

Once revealed, the scenario doesn’t actually make much sense. As an atmosphere piece, however, this intrigues nicely (and doesn’t unravel as much as, say, The Android Invasion). Elliot Chapman and Frazer Hines are remarkably on-point in channelling Ben and the Second Doctor.



Dr. Thirteenth

Dr. Thirteenth

by Adam Hargreaves (Penguin, 2019)

Hargreaves_Dr Thirteenth

Hargreaves takes his series of Doctor Who / Mister Men mashups out in one last glorious blaze of banality. Again, the illustrations aren’t bad, but the story is pointless and what little connection it has to Doctor Who is pure Russell T Davies-era.



The Black Archive #30: The Dalek Invasion of Earth

The Black Archive #30: The Dalek Invasion of Earth

by Jonathan Morris (Obverse Books, 2019)

Morris_Black Archive 30

A bit light on actual analysis but nevertheless an impressive piece of research, comparing different iterations of The Dalek Invasion of Earth (both televised and film versions at script, broadcast and even novelisation level) to establish who was responsible for which elements.



Doctor Who: The Macra Terror

Doctor Who: The Macra Terror

by Ian Stuart Black; dir. John Davies (BBC, 1967/2019)

Black_Macra Terror

While lost Doctor Who stories often work well just in audio form, significant portions of The Macra Terror unfold without dialogue – making it an astute choice for reconstruction. Patrick Troughton’s Doctor and the titular giant crabs fare particularly well in the animation.



Doctor Who: The Silurian Candidate

Doctor Who: The Silurian Candidate

by Matthew J. Elliott (Big Finish, 2017)

Elliott_Silurian Candidate

A rehash of the usual ‘humans versus Silurians’ ethical quandary, offering little new and debased still further by the Silurians acting (and sounding) like Daleks and also a ‘strewth, bloody awful’ excuse for an Australian character. What humour there is falls flat.



Doctor Who: The Drowned World

Doctor Who: The Drowned World

by Simon Guerrier (Big Finish, 2009)

Guerrier_Drowned World

A bit short and not exactly self-contained but told in an original, engaging fashion. Robert (Niall MacGregor) is a well-measured framing character and Jean Marsh provides a most welcome voice from the past, reprising and expanding on her role as Sara Kingdom.



Doctor Who: Shadow of the Past

Doctor Who: Shadow of the Past

by Simon Guerrier (Big Finish, 2010)

Guerrier_Shadow of the Past

Another clever script by Simon Guerrier, staying faithful to the spirit of early UNIT-era stories. Present-day Liz Shaw (Caroline John) tells of an earlier adventure and then picks up its threads. Unfortunately some ‘big moment’ plot contrivances detract from the emotional resonance.



Doctor Who: Warriors’ Gate

Doctor Who: Warriors’ Gate

by Stephen Gallagher, writing as John Lydecker

restored from the original extended manuscript (1981); audiobook read by Jon Culshaw (with John Leeson as K9) (BBC Audio, 2019)

Gallagher_Warriors' Gate

Even in heavily expurgated form, the version of Warriors’ Gate published in 1982 outshone all but a few of the original Target novelisations. The 2019 audiobook restores Gallagher’s original manuscript, revealing a dreamlike SF classic with exceptional depth of story and characterisation.



Derelict Space Sheep