Tag: David Tennant

Doctor Who: Dead Air

Doctor Who: Dead Air

by James Goss (BBC Audio, 2010)

Goss_Dead Air

Doctor Who meets The Boat That Rocked: a creepy tale somewhat at odds with the drollness of its recounting – an extended Tenth Doctor monologue in which David Tennant (sublime and Scottish in other readings) sounds like Bill Nighy crossed with Arnold Rimmer.


Doctor Who: The Day of the Troll

Doctor Who: The Day of the Troll

by Simon Messingham (BBC Audio, 2009)

Messingham_Day of the Troll

David Tennant narrates in his Scottish accent and plays the Doctor very much as per tv, bringing authenticity and complementary zest to this typically grim, typically compelling Simon Messingham novel, available (atypically) only in audio format. Something is lurking under the bridge…


Derelict Space Sheep