Tag: Broadchurch

Loch Ness

Loch Ness (aka The Loch)

created by Stephen Brady (ITV, 2017)


An atmospheric murder series much in the vein of Broadchurch (although not quite so straining of the viewer’s credulity). Loch Ness provides the beautiful, gloomy setting. A strong female cast carries the drama as the town ripples then rages with dark secrets.



Broadchurch, Series 1

Broadchurch, Series 1

by Chris Chibnall (ITV, 2013)

Broadchurch 1

Broadchurch gave David Tennant a chance to brood and smoulder post- Doctor Who; yet for all the fine acting and murderous intrigue, tension was maintained only by means of an incredible coincidence of events, such audience manipulation ultimately undermining the entire scenario.


Derelict Space Sheep