Tag: Black Archive

The Black Archive #35: Timelash

The Black Archive #35: Timelash

by Phil Pascoe (Obverse Books, 2019)


Pascoe approaches Timelash without an obvious agenda to push, motivated by a fondness for the story yet making no attempt to proselytise. His exposition is centred around the use of HG Wells as a character, and evinces the creative bleed-through between texts.



The Black Archive #33: Horror of Fang Rock

The Black Archive #33: Horror of Fang Rock

by Matthew Guerrieri (Obverse Books, 2019)

Guerrieri_Horror of Fang Rock

Guerrieri is clearly an erudite writer and diligent researcher. However, the four constructs by which he interprets Horror of Fang Rock seem associatively rather than directly relevant; the non-Who works he analyses tend rather to dominate, relegating Horror itself to the background.



Derelict Space Sheep