Tag: 42 Word Reviews

Star Wars: Honor Among Thieves

Star Wars: Honor Among Thieves

by James S. A. Corey (Century, 2014)

Corey_Honor Among Thieves

“Enough Banter,” Scarlet says. “Focus now.” But this admonishment comes three-fifths of the way through and has no discernible effect on the (openly nom de plumed) authors. Their novel-length burst of glib humour succeeds only in rendering Han Solo lightweight and facile.



by Anthony Horowitz (Orion, 2014)


No Sherlock Holmes or Watson, just a cleverly subversive homage and a body on the slab at Reichenbach, both tagged ‘Moriarty.’ Therein lies the mystery, Horowitz leading as Inspector Athelney Jones investigates and Conan Doyle’s London plays host to the ultimate swindle.

The Frood

The Frood: The Authorised and Very Official History of Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

by Jem Roberts (Preface Publishing, 2014)

Roberts_The Frood

The Frood begins with Douglas Adams testing a Nutrimatic-compatible interviewing robot on himself, thereby proselytising the superfluity of book introductions. It ends by pulling the ring-tab on several canned iterations of Life, the Universe and Everything. The bits in-between are mostly harmless.

Derelict Space Sheep