Tag: 1970s

Endeavour, Series 6

Endeavour, Series 6

by Russell Lewis (ITV, 2019)

Endeavour 6

A rather despondent series as the 1960s start to give way to the 1970s (hence Morse’s moustache) and the old crew find themselves scattered to the winds. Morse in particular has to start again. Chief Superintendent Bright has the best character moments.



Children of the Stones

Children of the Stones

(ITV, 1977)

Children of the Stones

Notable for its eerie music and sustained sense of supernatural peril, this 1970s children’s television classic no doubt terrified many a young viewer. Though well acted, it’s unquestionably a mood piece. The final-episode denouement fails to make sense of much that precedes.



Black Hole

Black Hole

by Charles Burns (Pantheon, 2005) [collecting Black Hole #1-12, Fantagraphics, 1995-2004]

Burns_Black Hole

Burns goes all out in this shadowy and grotesque, trippy mix of 70s teen culture, body horror and sexually explicit allegory (self-identity; belonging). The plot is deliberately abstruse, and though the black-and-white artwork is striking, some characters are hard to tell apart.



Life on Mars, Series 2

Life on Mars, Series 2

(BBC, 2007)

Life on Mars_2

Where it could easily have fallen prey to second album syndrome, Life on Mars continues seamlessly from its first season: uniquely, a 70s-style cop show with modern sensibilities—fast and funny—scripted for the brilliance rather than the length of its burn.



Derelict Space Sheep