Teen Titans Academy: X Marks the Spot

Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1: X Marks the Spot

by Tim Sheridan & Robbie Thompson; ill. Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Steve Lieber, et al. (DC Comics, 2022)

Book cover: “Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1: X Marks the Spot” by Tim Sheridan & Robbie Thompson; ill. Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Steve Lieber, et al. (DC Comics, 2022)

Cluttered art, storytelling by narrative collage. Individual characters do eventually emerge from the chaos, but for the most part Teen Titans Academy just throws vignettes at the wall to see what sticks. The mystery element isn’t so much obfuscated as perpetually sidelined.

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