A Present From Joe

A Present From Joe

by Eric Frank Russell

Astounding Science Fiction (February 1949); reprinted Best sf: Science Fiction Stories, ed. Edmund Crispin (Faber and Faber, 1955), pp. 199-213.

Book cover: Best sf: Science Fiction Stories, ed. Edmund Crispin (Faber and Faber, 1955); review of: “A Present From Joe” by Eric Frank Russell, pp. 199-213; originally from Astounding Science Fiction (February 1949)

SF short story. In his inimitable, puckish manner, Russell attributes mankind’s warlike propensities to the telepathically induced manipulations of a non-spacefaring alien race whose invasion plan requires humanity first to come to them! The aliens’ POV reveals a Machiavellian kinship of thought.

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