Derelict Space Sheep publishes both e-books and hard copies, the latter by way of a POD distributor (which, given our isolated locale, means quicker, cheaper delivery for anybody living further away than just over the back fence). We like to think we’re cultivating the most flourishingly ruderal spec-fic/fact this side of the Brisbane Line, so if you’re looking to cross over and partake, please note: e-books purchased through gumroad afford us a slightly better class of pittance (and so generally come packaged with a bonus publication to say thank you) as do hard copies sourced from lulu. Derelict Space Sheep titles will be available elsewhere, but these are the sites we’ll link to. So, there you have it. Please, request that your local library stock our books. Read us. Review us! Stare balefully at us with your cycloptic eye. But remember: if the sheep gets up, we’ll all get up; it’ll be anarchy.


Oh, and off to the right there you’ll find our deeply thought-out repository of 42 word reviews (and other such miscellanea). Yes, it’s a good number: small enough to take in without blinking; large enough to be not entirely uninformative. Occasionally — or so we pride and delude ourselves — there’s even one with literary merit. Three minds sparking off each other to capture the essence of opinion and trap it within 42 words . . . well, that’s just screaming out Ghostbusters! isn’t it? But that’s how seriously we take the containment process, so in time there should emerge an ecto-orgastic mosaic of our likes and dislikes. If you follow us on Facebook, Bluesky or Goodreads, you’ll be privy to each tile as it’s glued lovingly into place. Befriend the sheep! It’s retrospection for the now, and you’ll do less damage that way.


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Derelict Space Sheep